Veterinarians – Plan to Succeed!

The 5 reasons why you MUST attend a veterinary career planning seminar ….

Let’s not mess about as we all know that our time is precious. As some of you may know, I am a Veterinary Career and Business Coach – an expert in veterinary scientist careers nonetheless. I help people like you with gaining clarity around the next big step in their career and taking our vague wishes into actions that get results. Today, I will be sharing with you, 5 reasons why you should attend our veterinary career and business planning session! 

More importantly, today I will help you make a solid decision of whether you really want to ‘take your career to the next level’ OR stay stuck and not realise your potential and how amazing your career can actually be. The thing is, veterinary career planning is not suitable for everyone. That’s the truth. 

I know of so many people who were only slightly interested in planning their career and who wanted to take the next big step in their career… but they never got anywhere because they did not dig deep enough to truly understand why planning is so important.

After talking with dozens of my successful customers, I have distilled the 5 main reasons why anyone would want to ‘plan and uplevel their veterinary career’ and it is not what you imagine.

1. Most of us thought that the only thing in our heart was to be a veterinarian.

We started out wanting 100% to serve as a veterinarian but didn’t realise that our hearts evolve too.  While we checked in with our head often and it tells us that ‘see we are here – we are a vet – this is all you ever wanted’ and we set our eyes upon that fact. Many of us are really surprised when after we achieve being a vet, that there is still more written on our heart. Then often we don’t know what to do with this knowledge – our heads are telling us ‘you are a vet and that is enough’ and yet our heart is murmuring that ‘this is great but there is more’. Attending a planning session with a vet career coach will start to shine a light into what you ACTUALLY WANT from your career!

2. We wonder if we are capable of bringing the big thing on our hearts to light – and the answer is yes we are! 

BUT we will need to dig deep within ourselves to find the courage to make it happen! Fear is a liar and will often stop people from fulfilling their dreams – through sneakily creating a cloud of doubt that: 

a) how could you possibly could get such a big project done, or 

b) by throwing up lots of ‘logical reasons’ like ‘now just isn’t the right time’. 

Granted some ideas shouldn’t EVER have a right time 🙂 but how will you know if you don’t try?! And maybe through assessing the first idea – the right one will be revealed. Through going through the planning session you will go through a strategic process and get clarity on which ideas are worth the effort and WHY you MUST get it done!

3. Where focus goes – energy flows!

When we have clarity about what we want (such as the clarity we get in a planning session!) we propel ourselves towards it, we naturally make more decisions that get us to where we want to go. But, if we stay vague or undecided on what we actually want – it is as good as driving a vehicle around only turning the wheel to the right hand side, you go around in circles right! Why would you only turn the wheel one way? – you say… Well perhaps this is all that you have ever done, and it is the ‘muscle’ that is  stronger and well-practised – and happens without thought, and the result – well you generally go about in circles – you might make some progress but you are not really getting anywhere. In this way you MIGHT incidentally touch upon something you love to do and drives you to where you want to be….. but it is just as likely that it will not. We have given over the power of what we could create in our careers simply by avoiding making a decision 

4. Do you feel busy constantly? Like there is NOT enough time in the day or week to fit something else in? 

Do you feel overwhelmed and like you are always behind the 8-ball and that no-one ever seems happy with what you HAVE been able to get done. Truth is you will feel this way ALWAYS until you take some time out of working IN your busy career to work UPON your busy career. In this way you can strategically make decisions so that you can put less time and effort in and get MUCH better results! IN this way you can regain control over your time and have more influence on your results. To be quite frank – ‘busy’ is an addiction – and it’s time YOU broke free! 

5. We love helping animals in fact we are CALLED to do this, but there comes a time when we don’t have much more to give and we need to prioritise helping ourselves. 

For us, our families and our wellbeing – we eventually need to UPLEVEL how we do our careers and time management and ensure that we are getting nourished and our personal life is progressing in a healthy manner. It is through this evolution that true contentment, understanding and joy arises. We evolve and so do our goals and that is perfect! Come and spend some time working out who you are and what you want. 


Do any of these resonate with you? I want you to dig deep to truly figure out why you want to attend a veterinary career planning session!

You may realise at the end of the day that veterinary career planning isn’t for you, and that’s ok. But if getting clarity on your career and business goals is something that you are interested in, I am here to walk this journey with you! So let me know… what is your personal WHY for wanting to attend and get your career on-track and organised? What change will attending a career planning session bring into your world? Why would you like to uplevel and recreate the LOVE of your veterinary career? 

I truly don’t think that it is a coincidence that you are here!

Send a message and let me know! 

If you would like to join us at a Veterinary Career and Planning Seminar – We will see you there! Dates are:

1. Friday 4 September 2012, 18.30 – 21.30 AEST/ 9.30 – 12.30 BST

2. Saturday 5 September 2020, 15.30 – 18.30 AEST/ 17.30 – 20.30 NZST

3. Sunday 6 September 2020, 10.00 – 13.00 AEST/ 20.00 – 23.00 EDT

For more information go here:

For tickets: Veterinary Career and Planning Session Tickets

Veterinary Career and Business Planning

Veterinarians Plan to Succeed at a Veterinary Career and Business Planning Session! Book Here