Veterinarians it is not your job to be everything to everyone!

Oh I am learning this lesson again right now …

Who you are in your heart is perfect.

You are not others and they are not you.

If you take it upon yourself to keep learning and show up as a slightly better version of you each day then you are doing all that can be reasonably expected.

You are enough.

You are human and your first priority is to look after you. From this point of self-care and balance you can do what you can to help and serve others.

You are not in anyone else’s lane nor are they in yours – thus it is interesting to see what they are doing but the only comparison that truly counts is how you are showing up today compared to how you showed up yesterday.

The rest of comparison is wasted energy as it fuels fleeting emotions that you don’t want to have behaviours emerge from.

And P.S you are not your emotions or your behaviours but you are ? responsible for them.

Have you heard about our Global Veterinary Career Summit? Veterinary Careers is partnering with Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify and The DVM Project join us from 24 June for 5 days and over 30 hours of Career CPD and networking opportunities! For more information click here

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~ Sending love on your journey ~
Xx Em