Pets at Home pounces on specialist vet centres (UK)

{Ed. Small animal veterinary business has become BIG business!}

Pets at Home is boosting its vet business – Author: Ashley Armstrong (Via the 29 APRIL 2016 • 11:12AM

Pets at Home has pounced on two veterinary referral centres as it looks to boost its business with additional pet services.The company has bought a 76pc stake in Dick White Referrals for £14.1m. The Cambridgeshire-based firm is one of the country’s largest animal specialists, employing 66 vets and treating 5,000 cases a year.

Under the shared venture model, Professor Dick White, who founded the practice, will keep a 24pc stake in the business alongside other key clinicians.

Pets at Home has also bought animal opthalmologist firm Eye-Vet Referrals, which already provides services to one of the company’s existing vet practices.

“We are delighted to welcome both Dick White Referrals and Eye-Vet Referrals to the Group,” said Ian Kellett, chief executive.

“These new shared ventures represent another strategic step in building our presence in the specialist referrals market, while enhancing our reputation with the UK’s veterinary clinicians.”We have grown our specialist referrals division to four centres in just over a year and see further opportunities in the veterinary market that will deliver growth and attractive returns.”

Pets at Home already operates 388 vet practices, many of which are located within its retail shops.

The company’s services division, which includes its vet businesses and 179 pet grooming salons, has been a big driver of revenue growth.

Rising demand for vet and grooming services lifted sales at Pets at Home by 8.8pc to £793.1m last year.

Specialist veterinary referral centres are highly sought after because their margins tend to be much higher than ordinary vet clinics as they can charge more for consultations and costly surgical procedures.

Pets at Home became the UK’s biggest small-animal vet chain after it bought Vets4Pets in 2014. The group has plans to open 50 to 55 vet practices this year and 55 to 60 new pet salons.

Pets at Home, which floated in 2014 and has a market capitalisaiton of £1.22bn, is currently without a chief financial officer after Mr Kellett was promoted to chief executive role following Nick Wood’s departure.

Pets at Home had hoped to hire Target Australia director Graeme Jenkins for the post, but has said it will not be hiring him following an investigation into the accounting of Target’s supplier income.

Source: Pets at Home pounces on specialist vet centres