Do you like helping your veterinary industry colleagues? Have you ever experienced challenges in your career or life that you’ve overcome or found a work around? We want to know your story at the Global Veterinary Career Summit! This is your personal invitation to submit a 3-5 minute or less video on one of the following topics:
Career path story (5 minutes): Tell where your life as a veterinarian or vet nurse has taken you and what have you learned?
Hot Tip or How To (5 minutes): Share a tip you have for career growth, landing a job, residency, balancing life, boundaries, etc.
Idea or Pitch for Change (3 minutes): Do you have a cool idea that you’d like to see happen in veterinary medicine?
I’m a vet/vet nurse and also … (5 minutes): Tell us what amazing things you do outside of veterinary medicine and why it matters to you or feeds your whole life satisfaction. Please note that we cannot accept videos selling or promoting a specific product or service.
That’s right, this is our form of submitting an abstract. Even if you do not feel like the most perfect world leading expert, please DO submit anyway. You belong here and so does your story. In other words, imperfect stories welcome; you never know who you might help or reach with your tip, story, or idea. If this idea scares you, or puts you out of your comfort zone, we would double dog dare you to submit. Remember Neal Donald Walsh’s quote, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” We can’t wait to see your video!
We are accepting video abstracts (speaker pitches) until June 10, 2020. For further information and tips on great videos click here
Veterinary Careers is partnering with Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify and The DVM Project for the Summit and more information about the Summit can be found here
For more veterinary career resources please sign up to and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Dr Emma Davis BVSc on LinkedIn.