PhD Scholarship: Topical RNAi for Sustainable Animal Health

Job No:510259
Area: Qld Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Salary (FTE): RTP Scholarship NON-BANDED ($28,092.00 – $28,092.00)
Work type: Full Time – Scholarship
Location: St Lucia

Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI)

QAAFI is a research institute of the University of Queensland (UQ) which was established in 2010 and comprises of four research centres – the Centre for Crop Science, the Centre for Horticultural Science, the Centre for Animal Science and the Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences.

QAAFI’s team of 450 researchers, postgraduate students and support staff undertake high impact science for agriculture and food industries. The institute’s strong partnership with the Queensland Government provides our researchers with a direct link to the agriculture industry in Queensland, and world class field research facilities throughout Queensland. Agriculture is one of UQ’s highest ranked research fields nationally and internationally and QAAFI is a global leader in agricultural research in subtropical and tropical production systems.

The award

The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable solution using clay particles to deliver RNA to protect Queensland’s sheep from flystrike and lice infestation. Current control measures mainly rely on vaccination or chemical control, causing issues of residue and toxicity. Both of these pathogens have developed resistance to nearly all control chemicals used in the past. This project will deliver a clean-green formulation to counter chemical resistance, improve animal welfare, reduce residues in products, allowing better responses to market demands.

Selection criteria

BSc with Honours Class I or Masters in a relevant field. Previous experience in molecular biology, insect pathogen, animal or veterinary science, and sound knowledge of RNA interference (RNAi) pathways in insects is highly desirable.

To be eligible to apply, you must also meet the entry requirements for Higher Degrees by Research at UQ. Please visit the Graduate School’s website.


The 2020 Research Training Program (RTP) living allowance stipend rate is AUD$28,092 per annum (indexed annually), which is tax-free for three years with two possible extensions of up to 6 months each in approved circumstances (conditions apply). Click here further information on this scholarship.


For further information, please contact Dr Karishma Mody.

How to apply

Please visit the advertisement on the Grad School website here for information on how to apply.

Please do not click the apply button.

Applications close: E. Australia Standard Time

The impact of food chain health risk messages on consumers’ demand for poultry products in India, PhD opportunity, Royal Vet College

RVC Supervisor(s): Dr Mehroosh TakDr Pablo Alarcon-LopezDr Jackie Cardwell

Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences

Project Summary

Rapidly changing poultry production systems in India can potentially generate risks of disease transmission as poultry producers adapt to meet increasing consumer demand. It is unclear how food chain information on disease risks influences consumer demand and producer supply of poultry products. Understanding the determinants of consumer demand and the impact of foodchain health risk messages (FHRMs) is crucial to support adequate food policy planning. This project aims to assess the impact of FHRMs on consumer demand for poultry products and on poultry production systems in India.

The project is a component of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) One Health Poultry Hub, which aims to meet Asia’s growing demand for chicken meat and eggs while minimising the risks to public health. The PhD studentship will be part of the London Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH), an intercollegiate food systems research consortium incorporating researchers from RVC, SOAS and LSHTM.

Project details

This innovative, interdisciplinary project will explore and characterise socio-economic and cultural factors influencing when and where chicken and eggs are consumed in India. This will include investigation of any barriers to purchasing safe poultry products by poorer households in India, as well as drivers of increased poultry food consumption and consumers’ perceptions of food safety and quality. Indian household consumption and expenditure survey (HCES) data will be analysed to identify patterns of consumer demand, determinants of demand and different consumer profiles. In addition, the project will investigate FHRMs that are received and produced by the households and the impact of the identified FHRMs on poultry consumption and production.

This mixed-methods approach offers an opportunity for a student with strong undergraduate or MSc-level training in economics, epidemiology or veterinary medicine to build on their existing skills and develop new interdisciplinary skills. The innovative combination of food systems thinking with One Health economics and survey data collection skills will make novel contributions to existing scientific literature in the field of food systems research and inform policy for the poultry value chain in India.


  1.  Aleksandrowicz, L., Tak, M., Green, R., Kinra, S., & Haines, A. (2017). Comparison of food consumption in Indian adults between national and sub-national dietary data sources. British Journal of Nutrition, 117(7), 1013-1019. doi:10.1017/S0007114517000563
  2. Han, G., & Liu, Y. (2018). Does Information Pattern Affect Risk Perception of Food Safety? A National Survey in China. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 1935. doi:10.3390/ijerph15091935
  3. Van Asselt, M., Poortvliet, P. M., Ekkel, E. D., Kemp, B., & Stassen, E. N. (2018). Risk perceptions of public health and food safety hazards in poultry husbandry by citizens, poultry farmers and poultry veterinarians. Poultry science, 97(2), 607–619. doi:10.3382/ps/pex325



  • Applicants must hold, or be expected to achieve, a first or upper second-class undergraduate honours degree or equivalent, or an MSci or Masters degree, in a related field such as economics/ epidemiology/ development studies/ veterinary sciences/ anthropology/ sociology
  • Interest in food systems


  • Interest in mixed methods training

This is a 4 year fully-funded studentship, open to Home/EU applicants. International students are welcome to apply but must be able to fund the difference between UK/EU and international tuition fees.

The studentship will commence ASAP.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please follow the link below. Please use your personal statement to demonstrate:

  • Interest in food systems research and the studentship topic.
  • Previous experience of data collection (both qualitative and quantitative).
  • Motivation to pursue doctoral studies.

How to Apply

For more information on the application process and English Language requirements see How to Apply.

Interviews will take place over skype.

We welcome informal enquiries – these should be directed to Dr. Mehroosh Tak: 

Deadline: 12/04/2020

Doctor of Veterinary Studies – Charles Sturt University

Establish yourself as an expert in the management, care and welfare of animals. The Doctor of Veterinary Studies from Charles Sturt University provides clinical and research skills and knowledge to prepare you for specialist veterinary practice of a national and international standard.

The highest qualification available in the profession, the Doctor of Veterinary Studies provides a unique opportunity for practising veterinarians to gain a critical understanding in a complex field and conduct research that makes an original contribution to your discipline.

6th World One Health Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 30 Oct to 3 Nov 2020

A message from the World One Health Congress

“The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly escalating globally and putting an enormous strain on medical and other front-line health and community services everywhere. It seems very wrong and irresponsible for us to continue to plan on holding the 6th World One Health Congress in Edinburgh in June, and potentially place you and all our delegates at risk of infection.

The #WOHC2020 Organising Committee has therefore decided to re-schedule the Congress, and now plans to hold it from 30 October to 3 November 2020 instead, ending most appropriately on the annual One Health Day. We hope you will all remain safe and well in the intervening period, and we look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh for an exciting and informative 6th World One Health Congress on 30 Oct-3 Nov 2020.

We are planning extra sessions on SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 and are specifically welcoming abstracts with an emphasis on: pathogenesis and clinical manifestations / virology and epidemiology/ intervention strategies / clinical and outbreak management.

The Congress will take place in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), the same venue as initially planned.  All registrations will be transferred to the new dates and all abstracts that have been accepted for presentation will remain in the programme unless the authors notify us that they wish to withdraw.

New important dates:

· early bird registration till 18 September.

· abstract presenter registration till 4 September.

· late breaker abstract submission deadline is 18 September.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates on our website.

Stay safe!”

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