A VeterinaryCareers.com.au interview of Dr Kimberley Khodakhah, New York City & Vetopia Inc.

Dr Khodakhah is an accomplished small animal veterinarian based in New York City and the surrounding suburbs – where she has been based for 17 years. Kimberley has practiced in several states across the US in several leadership positions including Associate Veterinarian, Medical director and Hospital Director. She has always had a passion for collaborating with and mentoring veterinary technicians/nurses as well as veterinary associates.

As a Certified Professional Coach she combines her love for animals and her desire to support the veterinary community. Dr Khodakhah founded Vetopia Inc. with this mission in mind and provides several Mentoring and Career Transformation Programs for members of the veterinary field. A particularly strong focus of hers is providing tools and strategies to new Veterinary Graduates to not only survive but thrive their first years following graduation. The ultimate aim of her coaching is to help veterinary colleagues create a happy, successful, sustainable career. Dr Khodakhah continues to practice medicine part time as well as volunteers with the Wolf Conservation Society and the SPCA in Fiji.

We hope that you enjoy the interview!

Emma & The Veterinary Careers Team