RSPCA Australia’s Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship 2021

RSPCA Australia’s Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship 2021


The Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship celebrates Sybil Emslie’s life-long commitment to the care and protection of animals by encouraging legal scholarship and practice dedicated to advancing animal welfare.


The $1,000 annual scholarship will be awarded to a law student or lawyer who has a strong academic record and a commitment to the practice of animal law through active and substantial engagement with animal law and animal protection organisations and initiatives. The Scholarship is administered by RSPCA Australia with funds contributed by Sybil Emslie’s family and other donors.


Eligibility criteria
Applicants must:
1. be either enrolled in an undergraduate law degree, or enrolled or aspiring to enroll in a higher research degree within an Australian law school, or be a practicing lawyer within an Australian jurisdiction;
2. Demonstrate their commitment to the practice of animal law through active and substantial engagement with animal law and animal protection organisations and initiatives;
3. Demonstrate how their research or practicing activity will benefit the development and application of animal law and animal protection more broadly.


Scholarship benefits
The recipient will recieve an award of $1,000 and a certificate to recognise the award from RSPCA Australia and the Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship Fund.


Applications close 5pm Friday, 6 August 2021


If you require further information regarding your application please contact RSPCA Australia at or phone 02 6282 8300.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, you may go to the RSPCA website and make a donation referencing the ‘Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship’ in the comments section.


To view the orginial source article, please click here.


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