Murdoch University – Student Run Questionnaire on ‘Antimicrobial Prescription and Advice to Farmers’

Murdoch University invites you to share your opinion and experiences on antimicrobial prescription and advice to farmers.

This questionnaire is being conducted by Michele Tree (Murdoch PhD candidate), Dr Josh Aleri (Murdoch University), Prof. Ian Robertson (Murdoch University), Dr. David Beggs (The University of Melbourne), Prof. Scott McDougall (Massey University) and Prof. Theo Lam (Utrecht University). It is part of a larger study to provide valuable information related to the risk of antibiotic resistance in animals and humans.

MU greatly appreciate your time and cooperation in completing the short 8 to 10-minute questionnaire. There are 22 questions consisting of mainly multiple choice and a few short answer responses. All information collected herein will remain confidential following Murdoch University research ethics codes. A plain language statement concerning this study and the ethics approval is provided here.


If you have any issues or queries, do not hesitate to contact Michele ( or Josh (

Your participation provides an entry into the draw to win an Apple iPad.

This questionnaire is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time by closing down the browser. Once completed it is not possible to retract responses. 

The survey will be open until June 2nd, 2021.

Murdoch University greatly appreciate your time and thank you for your assistance with this research project.

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