Keep calm and respect your antibiotics

Lets all take a deep breath and not go out of our way declaring the antibiotic-resistance apocalypse some media outlets would have us believe.


While the latest news regarding the appearance of colistin-resistant bacteria is of concern, with buzzwords such as “last resort” often thrown around, we should be cautious about how we take to this news.

The blog below provides some guiding words and helps put this news into perspective.

Regardless, how we use and engage with antibiotics should be at the forefront of any practitioner’s mind – human or animal. Client/patient education and expectations are sometimes a tough sell. I’ve had clients literally beg me in the waiting room for a “magical” antibiotic injection regardless of their animal suffering from a viral disease.

Additionally, while we have been great with creating government-level “One Health” lines of communication, we have to get better with communications at the grassroots level. As a practicing veterinarian in the trenches, I feel this is an area that is lacking and needs to be better engaged.


Source: Spread of antibiotic-resistance gene does not spell bacterial apocalypse — yet : Nature News & Comment –