Vets concerned over treating ill horses of unknown Hendra status | The Land
The State Government and Opposition are at odds over veterinarian concerns about treating ill horses of unknown Hendra status. Source: Vets concerned over treating ill horses of unknown Hendra status |…
Apocalypse Pig: The Last Antibiotic Begins to Fail – Phenomena: Germination
A new form of drug resistance, found in pigs and people in China, could ruin the very last last-resort antibiotic. Source: Apocalypse Pig: The Last Antibiotic Begins to Fail –…
One Health approach recommended in investigating and communicating the potential role of pigs in transmitting Ebola in Uganda
Source: One Health approach recommended in investigating and communicating the potential role of pigs in transmitting Ebola in Uganda
Evidence-based nutrition: raw diets | Vet Times
Feeding raw diets to cats and dogs is becoming increasingly popular (Figure 1) and many clients of the Derby hospital I work in strongly believe they are healthier than…
Tales from a cohort of vet students….
The image is the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine (phot credit to Sue Myers Smith) but just imagine a case study where you – as a vet student – are…
Who are your veterinary heroes?
Who inspires you in the vet world? (and have you thought about why they do?) When I decided to become a vet I was reading texts on equine exercise physiology…
Cheap Energy – is it really?
An Energetic Debate. Hello colleagues, welcome to my first post in what I hope we will see as a good place for discussion and the sharing of knowledge about how…
RAID Group
Researchers in Agriculture in International Development Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Source: RAID Group