The 2020 Global Veterinary Career Summit now has Continuing Education hours approved by American Association of Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE®) program

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For anyone looking for approved continuing education (CE), our Global Veterinary Career Summit (#GVCS2020) just received RACE approval for 17 hours of CE content!

The RACE Program is the American Association of Registry of Approved Continuing Education and develops and applies uniform standards related to providers and programs of continuing education (CE) in veterinary medicine. For those in Australia please refer to your registering body as to how this relates to structured/unstructured CE points. Plus there are well over another 100 hours of content from our #GVCS2020.

Tickets are still available, and the material is available until June 2021!

Not only that, but the conversation on our event platform is also continuing until June 2021 too, and all ticket holders are invited to join the official LinkedIn Group, and quarterly facilitated check ins to build in accountability.

Below are just a small smattering of what people are saying about the program and material.

To purchase a ticket please see the website –

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