An exciting free online course on One Health is currently on offer by the University of Basel. This course starts on the 7th of November and will hopefully serve as a great jumping on point for many practitioners.
One Health is the interface between human, veterinary and environmental health. Examples of where One Health collaborations work well include rabies eradication programs and Ebola virus investigations.
As someone who likes to play in the One Health arena, I have found the hardest part is initiating multi-disciplinary collaboration.
Find a kitten with ringworm? Get in contact with the client’s GP and give them the heads up.
I acknowledge that we are all rather time poor due to the many roles we play, yet there are opportunities in this area to create collaborations at the grassroots level – an area that is sorely in need of development and encouragement for One Health.
So I encourage you all to sign up for this course and help push One Health in whatever role you play as a veterinarian.
Source: One Health – University of Basel