Just days left to tell us what you want!
What kinds of resources, training or workplace management would help make your vet work less stressful? And do you think a small public levy, built into veterinary medication prices like freight costs, should be introduced to help fund these things? Sustainable Veterinary Careers aims to increase everyone’s access to a comprehensive range of the most helpful resources, through a collated hub and subsidised costs.
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We’re taking big-picture action to help the vet sector evolve, which starts and ends with you. If you’re a vet nurse, manager, student, customer care staff or vet who’s worked or studied in the Australian veterinary sector, tell us what would empower you to thrive at by clicking the link below before October 30.
Survey participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. Administered for SVC through Deakin University’s research platform, this survey has received ethics approval (Deakin University approval number BL-EC 29 21). Results will be made available by SVC to the entire industry, so you’ll be able to use the information in your own contexts as well as contribute to a pan-professional solution.
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