Epidemiology Chapter pre-conference training course – Spatial Epidemiology 2.0 – Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists

A short course on Spatial Epidemiology and Data Visualisation “Spatial Epidemiology 2.0 – from addresses and polygons to interactive dashboards” will be held from the 4th to 6th of July 2016 at the Gold Coast, Australia, as a pre-conference workshop of the Science Week 2016 conference of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientist.  

 For further information on the course click here http://epidemiology.anzcvs.org.au/epidemiology/home/events/ (You may need to be a member to see the details) 


 Marta Hernandez-Jover BVSc MSc PhD MVPHMgt MANZCVS

Senior Lecturer Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health


P +61 (0) 2 69332086 | M 0424200636 | Building 288 (Office 138)

E mhernandez-jover@csu.edu.au


Please find attached a link to the ANZCVS Epidemiology Chapter’s pre-conference course on spatial epidemiology.

Source: Australian College of Veterinary Scientists