Celebrate our 8th Birthday this Spring by advertising your Veterinary Role for FREE!

 Veterinarycareers.com.au -a leading job website for veterinarians in Australia and New Zealand – with a strong international following and we are Celebrating our 8th Birthday this SPRING!

Over the last 8 years we have gathered an engaged audience of over 19000 people across the Veterinary and Animal Health sector!

To Celebrate our 8th Birthday – we have created a FREECODE to share with you – so that you can advertise Veterinary & Animal Health role with us this September for FREE*.

A value of $49.99 AUD – absolutely FREE! 

To take up our offer, please follow these easy steps: 

  1. Create or access your employer profile here: https://veterinarycareers.com.au/employer-panel/employer-registration/ 
  2. Then create your job listing here: https://veterinarycareers.com.au/jobs/post-a-job/ 
  3. Select the STANDARD JOB LISTING (Regular Prices HERE: https://veterinarycareers.com.au/pricing/) and, 
  4. Use the FREECODE: VETCAREERS23 at the Checkout. 

Use this code as many times as you like in September 2023 – and we will quality check your role*, contact you if we have a query and then publish it for you for FREE! You will enjoy 14 days of FREE VISIBILITY on our website!

Please share with friends & colleagues who are likewise recruiting vets or animal health staff in Australia and New Zealand – & let them know why they should advertise with us!

PLUS We will select 3 great roles a week to get a FREE Social Media package with $89.99AUD and let you know if your role is selected.

If you want to add on a social media package, choose the FEATURED role or have us load the role for you then  regular charges will apply – please email us at admin@veterinarycareers.com.au so we can assist you.

We look forward to you joining our SPRING BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! 

Kind regards

Dr Emma Davis BVSc (HonsI) 

Managing Director, Global Veterinary Solutions Pty Ltd

Trading as: Veterinarycareers.com.au