Job Roundup 06/11/2020 A list of 39 Currently Advertised jobs

Job Roundup 06/11/2020

A list of 39 Currently Advertised jobs


New South Wales

  1. Clinical Professor or Associate Professor in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, University of Sydney – School of Veterinary Science, Camperdown, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 16/11/2020

  1. Teacher Animal Care And Management, TAFE NSW, Gosford/Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 08/11/2020

  1. Director, Australian Government – Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Armidale, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 17/11/2020 

  1. Part Time – Marketing Coordinator: Digital, VetPartners Australia, Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Equine Reproduction Specialist, Newcastle Equine Centre, Luskintyre, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Scientist / Senior Scientist, Elanco, Parramatta, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Assistant Director, Efficacy & Safety, Australian Government – Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, Armidale, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 11/11/2020

  1. Business Unit Lead – Companion Animal, MSD, Sydney CBD, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Quality and Compliance Coordinator, Evolve Scientific Recruitment, Sydney, Western Suburbs, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Manager Land Services, NSW Government – Local Land Services Agency, Northern Tablelands – Flexible locaiton, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 15/11/2020

  1. Equine Welfare Property Manager, Racing NSW, Taree, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Professional Sales Representative: Livestock, Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd, Southern Highlands & Tablelands, NSW, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Scientific Officer Pathogen Genomics, NSW Government – Western Sydney Local Health District, Westmead, NSW, Australia. Closing date: 16/11/2020


  1. Biosecurity Extension Manager, Animal Health Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia. Closing date: 11/11/2020


  1. Lecturer / Senior Lecturer, Companion Animal Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. Closing date: 15/11/2020

  1. Area Sales Manager – Livestock Animal Health, Virbac, Rockhampton & Capricorn Coast, QLD, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Research Scientist in Health Intelligence, CSIRO, Herston, QLD, Australia. Closing date: 12/11/2020

  1. Lecturer, Veterinary Anaesthetist, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. Closing date: 25/10/2020

  1. Lecturer / Senior Lecturer, Veterinary Radiologist, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. Closing date: 25/10/2020

  1. Academic Clinical Coordinator, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. Closing date: 25/10/2020


  1. Sessional Teacher – Animal Studies, Melbourne Polytechnic, Fairfield, VIC, Australia. Closing date: 31/12/2020

  1. Industry Veterinarian, Greyhound Racing Victoria, Melbourne, State-wide jurisdiction, VIC, Australia. Closing date: 08/11/2020

  1. Animal Welfare Investigative Steward, Animal Welfare Investigative Steward, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Closing date: 08/11/2020

  1. Senior Medical Science Liaison, Johnson & Johnson, Scoresby, VIC, Australia. No closing date provided.

  1. Territory Manager-Pets and Equine – Victoria, Boehringer Ingelheim, Melbourne; Eastern Suburbs, VIC, Australia. No closing date provided.

Western Australia

  1. Veterinary Officer (Field), WA Government – Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Broome, WA, Australia. Closing date: 12/11/2020

  1. Research Scientist in Global Change Ecology, CSIRO, Perth, WA, Australia. Closing date: 23/11/2020

South Australia

  1. Business Manager | Poultry. Agri Talent Pty Ltd, Adelaide, SA, Australia. No closing date provided.



  1. Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – The University of Calgary, Foothills Campus – Calgary, Alberta – Canada. No closing date provided. 


  1. Regional Project Coordinator at FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Nairobi, Kenya. Closing date 11/11/2020 


  1. Assistant or Associate Professor of One Health, University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Butaro and Kigali, Rwanda. No closing date provided.

United Kingdom

  1. Teaching Fellow in Professional Skills, University of Surrey – School of Veterinary Medicine, Guildford, UK. Closing date: 15/11/2020

  1. Editor – Vet Record Open, British Veterinary Association, Nationwide, UK. Closing date: 30/11/2020 

  1. Unestablished Clinical Veterinarian in Clinical Pathology, University of Cambridge – Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge, UK. Closing date: 11/11/2020

United States

  1. Veterinary Medical Officer, FDA – Department of Health and Human Services, Baltimore, Baltimore County, Howard County, Laurel, MD, USA. Closing date: 27/11/2020

  1. Research Veterinary Medical Officer, USDA – Agriculture Research Service, Ames, IA, USA. Closing date: 06/11/2020

  1. Associate Veterinarian, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA. No closing date provided.

  1. Associate Veterinarian, The Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL, USA. No closing date provided.

  1. Veterinary Resident in Zoological Medicine, St. Louis Zoo, St. Louis, MO, USA. Closing date: 15/11/2020

For more industry news please check out our website.

Find us on Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.


Rabiesendshere – World Rabies Day 2020! 28th September 2020

Rabiesendshere – World Rabies Day 2020!

28th September 2020

Time to join in the fight against #rabies???

This deadly disease still kills one person every 9 minutes, in particular children. This can’t last, while we have the solution: By vaccinating a dog, you can stop the disease! ??

On September 28, we need to stand together and exert our strength in numbers online to go viral and END RABIES HERE AND NOW!


Dog owners ?‍♂️, veterinarians ?‍⚕️, citizens ?‍?‍?‍?, and all those involved in rabies vaccination, show your involvement in this global movement by sharing photos of yourself with your dog on social media along with the hashtag #rabiesendshere!

The more we are, the more the problem of rabies will attract attention, so more actions to eliminate it will be implemented.


Click on “going” to the facebook event and invite your friends to also join in the #rabiesendshere community.


• Post your photo with the hashtag #rabiesendshere, IN ALL SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), show your example on dog vaccination and support to eliminate this fatal disease and motivate others to do the same.

• Change your PROFILE PICTURE (Click on “UPDATE PROFILE PICTURE”, then “ADD A FRAME”, then search for the theme “RABIES ENDS HERE”)

• USE THE PHOTO FRAMES (Using your phone, click on one of the links here: , select your preferred language and take a picture or video,)

• Discover use and share all our other tools! They are available in 6 languages here:

• Share with your friends on social media and remember to always use the official hashtag #rabiesendshere !

It’s your turn to act! Regardless of who you are, we must all become part of the #rabiesendshere community so that RABIES ENDS HERE!

NOTE: The #rabiesendshere campaign was created by the World Organisation for Animal Health – OIE

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African swine fever: What do you do as a vet if you suspect ASF on farm? – Dr John Carr – AVA Webinar

Picture source:

AVA Webinar

15 September 2020

African swine fever: What do you do as a vet if you suspect ASF on farm? – Dr John Carr



What do you do as a vet if you suspect ASF on farm?

This webinar is free for all AVA members.

To register please email –

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Who should attend

Veterinarians, Vet Nurses, Practice Staff

Learning outcome

African Swine Fever is one of the most feared pig diseases worldwide. It includes fever, anorexia, profound listlessness and death with haemorrhages throughout the carcasses and high mortalities. Initially described in Africa in the 1920s, major outbreaks were seen in Europe in the 1950s. The reappearance in 2007 in Europe has taken on an epidemic status in Europe and Asia. Now found as close as Indonesia and PNG this disease has the potential to devastate the Australian pig industry. While the disease is severe, the slow emergence of clinical signs in most herd situations make early diagnosis critical but difficult.  Veterinarians will play a key role in diagnosing this disease and in any control program.



Dr John Carr

Picture source:


John started learning the ropes about pigs at the age of 11. He qualified as a veterinarian in 1982. After 5 years in general practice he returned to university to complete a Leverhulme residency in pigs and the PhD in urinary tract problems of pigs at Liverpool specializing in microbiology and pathology. He has a Diploma in Pig Medicine and is a Diplomate of the European College of Pig Health Management. His is recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons as a pig specialist. He has taught production medicine at several universities: UK; Liverpool and Royal Veterinary College, London, US; North Carolina and Iowa State and in Western Australia at Murdoch and now James Cook University. John runs a consultancy practice with clients in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. John specialises in maintaining the health of pigs through promoting excellence in stockmanship and production practices. John had extensive experience as a pig vet, working in practice, academic and in teaching positions and is recognized as a pig specialist by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and is a Diplomate of the European College of Pig Health Management. His consultancy practice has clients in North America. Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. His insights into the appearance of African Swine Fever on farms are invaluable.



For original link and more information click here

Follow us on Social Media – Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

African Swine Fever: How will private practitioners be involved in a government control program? – AVA Webinar

Picture source:

AVA Webinar

22 September 2020

African Swine Fever: How will private practitioners be involved in a government control program?



How will private practitioners be involved in a government control program for ASF?
This webinar is free for all AVA members.
To register please email –

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Who should attend

Veterinarians, Vet Nurses, Practice Staff

Learning outcome

African Swine Fever is one of the most feared pig diseases worldwide. It includes fever, anorexia, profound listlessness and death with haemorrhages throughout the carcasses and high mortalities. Initially described in Africa in the 1920s, major outbreaks were seen in Europe in the 1950s. The reappearance in 2007 in Europe has taken on an epidemic status in Europe and Asia. Now found as close as Indonesia and PNG this disease has the potential to devastate the Australian pig industry. While the disease is severe, the slow emergence of clinical signs in most herd situations make early diagnosis critical but difficult.  Veterinarians will play a key role in diagnosing this disease and in any control program.


Dr David Champness

Picture source:

David is currently the A/Principal Veterinary Officer – Emergency Animal Disease Preparedness, while his substantive role is as Principal Veterinary Officer – Livestock Biosecurity with Agriculture Victoria, based in Hamilton. After almost 20 years in veterinary practice he joined the Department providing policy, technical and practical advice on a range of livestock management and disease issues. He recently has been involved in planning roles in the African swine fever preparedness program and the Avian Influenza eradication program in Victoria.




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For original link and more information click here

Follow us on Social Media – Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

Veterinary Career and Business Planning Online Workshops

Join a group of colleagues in a
Veterinary Career and Business Planning
Online Workshop

Enjoy 3 well spent hours focusing on your most important asset

– > You!

This seminar will increase awareness and clarity of your career, financial and personal ambitions and create a workable plan on how to get there. Take control of your career path as you focus on what is important and fast track the progress you are making in achieving personal success!

Workshop dates:

1. Friday 4 September 2012, 18.30 – 21.30 AEST/ 9.30 – 12.30 BST

2. Saturday 5 September 2020, 15.30 – 18.30 AEST/ 17.30 – 20.30 NZST

3. Sunday 6 September 2020, 10.00 – 13.00 AEST/ 20.00 – 23.00 EDT

Investment: $99.00AUD
Location: Online

For more about Career Coaching please check out our website.

Find us on Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.