ESCMID: Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterinary Medicine Conference


In a recent subject I did under my Masters of Veterinary Public Health, there was some discussion on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) amongst veterinarians. Yet what does that mean and how can it be applied within a private practitioner setting. On the 11-12 of September, 2016, the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious diseases will be hosting an antimicrobial stewardship conference in Sweden. Further details are in the link below. I can feel a blog idea come along, so I shall leave it there for now, except to say – while we veterinarians may get prickly whenever someone from the medical side points the finger at how we “abuse” antimicrobials, we should be more aware of our role and capacity to limit the increase in resistance.

Source: ESCMID: Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterinary Medicine

Online 6 week course for public health app design

This looks like a great opportunity for any tech heads who would like to embrace the world of apps and interface it with the work they may do in public health.

This 6-week online course is designed with you and your organisation in mind. This course is designed specifically for the health and social services sector, and those organisations who are contemplating making an app. As more of the population are carrying devices with them, there has never been a better time for health promoting organisations to consider how apps can help achieve their objectives.

Source: So You Want to Make an App – 6 week e-course for public health organisations Registration, Mon, 02/05/2016 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

LAUNCH OF THE 2016 OIE PHOTO COMPETITION: OIE – World Organisation for Animal Health

The OIE are hosting a photo competition. Perfect opportunity for any keen photographers out there!


The winners of the 2016 OIE PHOTO COMPETITION will therefore be the photographers who best illustrate, both from an artistic and a descriptive point of view, the work carried out by animal welfare players, in particular by Veterinary services both in their public and private components, to promote and protect animal welfare worldwide in the context of the OIE welfare standards’ implementation.

Photos illustrating the crucial interaction between humans and animals as well as the links between animal health and animal welfare will be given preference when selecting the winners. The jury will also consider the creativity of the photo caption.

Source: LAUNCH OF THE 2016 OIE PHOTO COMPETITION: OIE – World Organisation for Animal Health