RSPCA Australia’s Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship 2021

RSPCA Australia’s Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship 2021


The Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship celebrates Sybil Emslie’s life-long commitment to the care and protection of animals by encouraging legal scholarship and practice dedicated to advancing animal welfare.


The $1,000 annual scholarship will be awarded to a law student or lawyer who has a strong academic record and a commitment to the practice of animal law through active and substantial engagement with animal law and animal protection organisations and initiatives. The Scholarship is administered by RSPCA Australia with funds contributed by Sybil Emslie’s family and other donors.


Eligibility criteria
Applicants must:
1. be either enrolled in an undergraduate law degree, or enrolled or aspiring to enroll in a higher research degree within an Australian law school, or be a practicing lawyer within an Australian jurisdiction;
2. Demonstrate their commitment to the practice of animal law through active and substantial engagement with animal law and animal protection organisations and initiatives;
3. Demonstrate how their research or practicing activity will benefit the development and application of animal law and animal protection more broadly.


Scholarship benefits
The recipient will recieve an award of $1,000 and a certificate to recognise the award from RSPCA Australia and the Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship Fund.


Applications close 5pm Friday, 6 August 2021


If you require further information regarding your application please contact RSPCA Australia at or phone 02 6282 8300.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, you may go to the RSPCA website and make a donation referencing the ‘Sybil Emslie Animal Law Scholarship’ in the comments section.


To view the orginial source article, please click here.


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Join the NSW Government’s Veterinary Practitioners Board

Veterinary Practitioners Board


Applications are invited from people to join the Veterinary Practitioners Board (the Board).


The Board is an independent State Government body corporate established under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 .  The object of the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 is to regulate the provision of veterinary services in NSW for the following purposes to:

  • promote the welfare of animals
  • ensure consumers of veterinary services are well informed as to the competencies required of veterinary practitioners
  • ensure that acceptable standards are required to be met by veterinary practitioners so as to meet the public interest and national and international trade requirements, and
  • provide public health protection.


The Board achieves these purposes through performing a number of functions including:

  • the registration of veterinary practitioners and licensing of veterinary hospitals;
  • investigation of complaints against veterinary practitioners;
  • developing codes of professional conduct for veterinary practitioners;
  • enforcing the provisions of the Act and Regulation;
  • promoting professional development of veterinary practitioners; and
  • providing information to veterinary practitioners and consumers of veterinary services.

The Board is responsible for developing an annual report for the minister to present to both NSW government parliaments in accordance with the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984.


The Board cooperates with other jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand to further a common and harmonious approach to regulation of the veterinary profession. This function is assisted through interaction with other state veterinary boards, the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Inc. (AVBC), and organisations representing the interests of members of the veterinary profession such as the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) .


The Board consists of six veterinarians and two non-veterinarians who are appointed for a three-year term by the Governor of NSW.  For more information about the board please visit


Position information

The New South Wales Government is seeking applications to fill the following vacancies:

  • two board members who are veterinary practitioners, and
  • two board members who are non-veterinarians to represent consumers of veterinarian services.


For further information, please click here.



To be eligible for nomination you must:

  • have skills or expertise in the following categories
    • Animal welfare science
    • Animal behaviour
    • Veterinary science
    • Animal science
    • Any other area considered relevant to fulfill the role of the Board.
  • not hold a criminal conviction for animal cruelty offences in Australia or overseas, and
  • be prepared to make the necessary commitment of time, including preparing for and having the ability to attend meetings as required.


Applications close 27th April 2021 at 5.00pm.


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Murdoch University – Student Run Questionnaire on ‘Antimicrobial Prescription and Advice to Farmers’

Murdoch University invites you to share your opinion and experiences on antimicrobial prescription and advice to farmers.

This questionnaire is being conducted by Michele Tree (Murdoch PhD candidate), Dr Josh Aleri (Murdoch University), Prof. Ian Robertson (Murdoch University), Dr. David Beggs (The University of Melbourne), Prof. Scott McDougall (Massey University) and Prof. Theo Lam (Utrecht University). It is part of a larger study to provide valuable information related to the risk of antibiotic resistance in animals and humans.

MU greatly appreciate your time and cooperation in completing the short 8 to 10-minute questionnaire. There are 22 questions consisting of mainly multiple choice and a few short answer responses. All information collected herein will remain confidential following Murdoch University research ethics codes. A plain language statement concerning this study and the ethics approval is provided here.


If you have any issues or queries, do not hesitate to contact Michele ( or Josh (

Your participation provides an entry into the draw to win an Apple iPad.

This questionnaire is voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time by closing down the browser. Once completed it is not possible to retract responses. 

The survey will be open until June 2nd, 2021.

Murdoch University greatly appreciate your time and thank you for your assistance with this research project.

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2021 Australian Biosecurity Symposium

Animal Health Australia, the Invasive Species Council, the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions and Plant Health Australia are excited to host the 2021 Australian Biosecurity Symposium.


When: 26-28 October
Where: Gold Coast, QLD


The Symposium will once again focus on research and innovation, outside-of-the-box thinking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas across the biosecurity collective – agriculture (animals and plants), pest animals, weeds, wildlife, aquatics, humans and the environment.


Australia’s biosecurity system faces unprecedented pressure. To address this pressure, strong leadership and innovation is essential. Our Symposium provides the ideal platform to explore how to transform Australia’s biosecurity systems to better protect our economy, environment and way of life.


The Symposium will bring an unprecedented opportunity to influence the direction of Australia’s future biosecurity system, network, develop new concepts, share and test ideas, build new partnerships and engage in challenging discussions that stimulate debate and energy – we hope you will be a part of it!


For more information click here.


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Dr Jayne Weller Gold Standard Exotic Animal Webinar Series: Installment #2 – Hospitalisation

Dr Jayne Weller Gold Standard Webinar Series:
Installment #2 – Hospitalisation

Announcing the exciting second installment of a live and free, three part, gold standard exotic animal patient care webinar series. Join the amazing Dr Jayne Weller as she explores how to appropriately hospitalise exotic animal patients in a general practice with specific information for birds, reptiles, pocket pets and amphibians.

When: Wednesday 17th February 2021
Time: 8.00pm – 8.45pm + 15 minutes Q&A with Jayne
Where: Online
Cost: FREE!

Sign up here:

About Dr Jayne Weller:

Jayne’s career in zoo and exotic animal medicine began in her graduate year as the associate veterinarian at the University of Sydney Avian

Reptile and Exotic Pet Hospital and Wildlife centre and has continued to be diverse and exciting with no day the same as the last.

Jayne is currently the Senior Veterinarian for the National Zoo and Aquarium in Canberra, a role which she has held since 2016. Jayne also currently runs a small business – Exotic Animal Veterinary Service which provides online/phone support for veterinarians and practices who want to improve their exotic animal patient care.

Jayne has also worked in Malawi at the Lilongwe Wildlife Sanctuary as the veterinarian where she aimed for gold standards even in the most difficult situations and with limited supplies. In contrast she ran the Exotic Animal Service at the Animal Referral Hospital in Sydney for 3 years and learnt how to run a successful exotics only service that was both busy and buckets of fun.

In 2015, Jayne successfully attained the Advanced Veterinary Practice Certificate in Zoological Medicine from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and Edinburgh University and in 2017 became a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Science in Avian Medicine and Surgery.

Prior to completing a veterinary science degree, Jayne completed a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and a Bachelor of Arts in Music and English Literature. She also spent three years as a zoo keeper at Mogo Zoo where she cared for a range of wild and exotic animals, including small and large carnivores, primates, hoofed stock, birds and reptiles.

While completing her veterinary science degree, Jayne set up a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Nepal. She supports wildlife carers internationally with veterinary advice.

Jayne is passionate about providing all species of animals the highest level of medical and surgical care.

Follow Jayne via her Facebook & Website.

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