The Emergency and Critical Care Chapter invites you to our Mechanical Ventilation Workshop.
This event is limited to 20 delegates.
Date: Wednesday 3 July, 2019
Time: 7:00am bus transfer for 8:00am start. Concludes at 5:30pm
Location: Veterinary Training Centre, 1/28 Burnside Road, Ormeau, Qld 4208
Price: $880
Registration Includes morning and afternoon teas, lunch and bus transfer.
Register online using the Science Week registration portal.
Workshop Schedule
8:00am – 5:30pm
- Introduction to pulmonary physiology, and ventilation theory (tutorial)
- Introduction to mechanical ventilation (wet prac- artificial lung)
- Cased based mechanical ventilation scenarios
- Advanced mechanical ventilation (wet prac- pig lungs)
- Recruitment maneuvers
- Ventilator associated lung injury
- Case Based Practical Session
- Panel and Refreshments
- Question and answer session – “How to get started with Mechanical Ventilation?”
For more information please click here.
Faculty Team