This job posting expired and applications are no longer accepted.

Professor in Aquatic Epidemiology

at Technical University of Denmark
Published January 22, 2024
Expires February 5, 2024
Location Lyngby, Denmark
Category Academic and University Positions  
Job Type Full-time  
Closing Date 05/02/2024
Contact Name Director Fritz Köster or Vice director Anders Koed
Contact Phone +45 21362805 or +45 21685641


DTU invites applications for a position as professor in the research field of aquatic epidemiology. The professorship is affiliated with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Section for Fish and Shellfish Diseases, and is based at DTU campus in Kgs. Lyngby.

The section is an international leading laboratory within research and diagnostics on fish and shellfish diseases, including the European Union Reference Laboratory for Fish and Crustacean diseases as well as the World Organisation for Animal Health reference laboratory for the fish disease viral hemorrhagic septiceamia. The section also has the responsibilities as the National Reference Laboratories for diseases in fish, molluscs, and crustaceans, respectively.

You are expected to lead the research field of aquatic epidemiology. The scientific expertise within the section, the experimental infrastructure and laboratory facilities on location are well advanced, giving abundant opportunities for front-edge science, scientific advice to national and international authorities, to push innovation in aquaculture industry, and contribute to teaching on advanced university level.


Responsibilities and qualifications

Leading the research field of aquatic epidemiology implies academic, strategic, human, and other resource management as well as active engagement in the section's and department’s leadership helping to develop also other research areas and support functions. You are responsible for coordinating the advisory tasks conducted by the research section on a broad front, which is expected to be performed in close cooperation with other research units in the department, other units at the University, and relevant national and international research groups. Your tasks include engaging in building up of education activities by the research section on BSc, MSc and PhD level.


Your research field includes:

  • Epidemiological aspects of diseases and health problems in aquaculture, including risk assessments, design of surveillance programmes, evaluation of mitigation measures, and inputs on optimal production structure and biosecurity.
  • Identifying the most important factors influencing mortality, welfare, and disease transmission in aquaculture, considering interactive effects of aquaculture system design, water quality, feed, and genetic resistance.
  • Utilization of large data for disease surveillance and control, obtained, e.g., from producers utilizing increasingly electronic, web-based systems for registration of management and health.

You are expected to have a deep and documented insight into infectious diseases in aquatic animals, their diagnostics and mitigation, and to give advice on above aspects to national and international authorities and foster innovation in the aquaculture industry. Results should be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications and dedicated outlets aiming to inform management authorities, stakeholders, and the public at large, and foster national and international collaboration.

You are expected to take a lead role in teaching at the BEng, BSc, MSc and PhD levels.

DTU employs two working languages: Danish and English. You are expected to be fluent in at least one of these languages, and in time are expected to master both.


Further information

Further information may be obtained from Institute Director Fritz Köster, email:, cell phone: +45 21362805 or Vice director Anders Koed, email:, cell phone: +45 21685641

If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on working in Denmark and at DTU at DTU – Moving to Denmark.


Application procedure

Your complete online application must be submitted no later than 5 February 2024 (23:59 Danish time).

To view the full announcement and to apply, click the 'Apply' button



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