This job posting expired and applications are no longer accepted.

Director of Clinical Skills Learning Center – College of Veterinary Medicine

at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Published December 26, 2023
Expires January 9, 2024
Location Urbana, IL, United States of America
Category Other  
Job Type Full-time  
Closing Date 15/03/2024
Contact Name Dr. Brian Aldridge



Veterinary Medicine Administration

Director of the Clinical Skills Learning Center

100% FTE, 12-month appointment

The College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a faculty position as Director of the Clinical Skills Learning Center (CSLC). This position is open rank, reports directly to the Dean and provides oversight for, and management of, operation of the CSLC. Additional activities within the College and across the campus can be explored and negotiated according to the candidate's personal and professional interests.

Summary of Responsibilities


  • As Director of the CSLC, assure that its operations are sufficiently resourced and staffed to carry out its missions.
  • Provide a positive and inclusive work environment by supervising, managing, and supporting the training, work, engagement, development, performance, and success of the CSLC staff.
  • Review CSLC operating policies, practices, and procedures to determine whether improvements are needed in workflow, reporting procedures, or expenditures.
  • Generate and supervise the administration of annual budgets for instruction and assessment of CSLC- associated clinical training across the DVM curriculum.


  • Provide broad direction for and oversight of the CSLC teaching program.
  • Ensure that skills and procedures taught at the CSLC are consistent with those used at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the expectations of future employers of College graduates.
  • Oversee and participate in the CSLC training program for students from affiliate schools and Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) students who spend their final clinical year at Illinois.
  • Serve as course director of the Clinical Practice I (VM 601) and Clinical Practice II (VM 606) courses and ensure that the content, delivery, and assessment modalities of these, and other clinical skills courses align with the programmatic clinical educational goals of the overall curriculum.
  • Collaborate with clinical specialty program leaders in employing CSLC resources to complement and augment patient-side clinical training of house officers.

Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) 

  •  Chair the College's OSCE Planning Team.

* Plan and assume overall responsibility for delivering the annual VM2 and VM3 OSCEs, which includes developing blueprints; designing and refining OSCE stations; creating and updating scripts and evaluation forms; developing grading rubrics and setting pass points.

  • In conjunction with CSLC staff:

*  solicit faculty and staff to serve as OSCE evaluators; distribute OSCE materials to evaluators in a secure manner; develop effective evaluator
training methods and participate in evaluator training.
*  schedule and communicate with students about, OSCEs; offer OSCE review sessions; assure students receive appropriate ADA accommodations on OSCEs.

  •  At the conclusion of the OSCEs:

*  review all completed evaluations and assign global ratings; notify students, the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, and the College's Education Policy Committee of OSCE outcomes.
* oversee and participate in remediation and retesting of students.

  • Regularly evaluate and enhance the validity and reliability of the OSCEs
    and generate an annual OSCE report


  • Provide effective training for CSLC personnel.
  • Conduct annual performance reviews for CSLC personnel and address personnel concerns.


  • Lead, develop and participate in a rigorous program of scholarly activity at the CSLC that positions the College as a leader in veterinary education and competency assessment.
  • Partner with collaborators on campus and at other veterinary colleges to develop state-of-the- art learning and assessment tools.

Quality Control

  • Engage with college faculty to ensure that CSLC activities are consistent with curricular goals
  • Collect and analyze outcomes data on clinical skills training in the CSLC and DVM curriculum and adjust teaching and assessment activities to ensure continued programmatic excellence
  • Disseminate data on student engagement, performance, and outcomes in clinical skills training to relevant curricular stakeholders in support of accreditation and program improvement.


  • Function
    * a member of the Dean's Senior Leadership Team and College Planning Committee
    * the chair of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Committee
    * an ex officio member of the departmental curriculum committee and the College's Education Policy Committee
    * an ex officio member of the VCM Advisory Committee
    * a member of other appropriate committees as needed.


  • In conjunction with stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan for the CSLC that is within the scope of the College Strategic Plan and revised every five years
  • Explore and create novel uses of the CSLC (e.g., for continuing education, training of students from other Colleges, and public engagement)
  • Generate methods and materials to promote the CSLC within and outside of the College.
  • Work with the Office of Advancement to identify potential donors and sponsors of CSLC resources and activities.

Minimal Qualifications

applicants must possess a D.V.M. degree or its equivalent. The successful
candidate must have strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preference
will be given to candidates recognized for instructional excellence or with
documented involvement in innovative education and the scholarship of teaching
and learning.
Appointment Information

is a 0% administrative appointment with a 50-100%-time commitment to the CSLC on
a 12-month basis. An annual administrative stipend of $5,000 will be provided. Salary
and faculty rank (tenure-track or clinical-track at the Assistant, Associate,
or Full Professor) will be commensurate with the candidates' qualifications and
experience. The Director will report directly to the Dean of the College, and
assume some clinical responsibilities if mutually agreed. The assigned time
commitment as Director will be reviewed annually. The Director will have their
primary academic appointment in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
and, as a regular faculty member, will report to the Department Head.

Proposed Start Date: 

On or after May 16, 2024
Application Procedures & Deadline Information

Applications must be received by 6:00 pm (CST) on Friday, March 15, 2024. The
review of applications will begin immediately. Interviews may occur prior to
March 15, 2024; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date,
and consideration will continue until suitable candidates are identified for
the position.  Apply for this position using the Apply Now button at the top or bottom of this posting. Applications not submitted through will not be considered. Applicants should include a cover letter, resume, and manes including contact information for three or more references.

Questions should be
directed to the search chair:

Brian Aldridge, Clinical Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine
S. Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802



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