This job posting expired and applications are no longer accepted.

Chair, NZASE Schools’ Animal Ethics Committee

at New Zealand Association of Science Educators (NZASE)
Published August 23, 2024
Expires September 6, 2024
Location Wellington Central, Wellington, New Zealand
Category Academic and University Positions  Other  
Job Type Temporary  
Salary Approximately $3,000 per year


New Zealand Association of Science Educators (NZASE) seeks expressions of interest for the position of Chair of our Animal Ethics Committee (AEC).  Our committee meets six times per year (5 online, 1 in person). The AEC considers, and where appropriate approves and monitors, applications to use live animals in school teaching and for individual or group student-led research projects, in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act.

The successful applicant will organise and run our Animal Ethics Committee meetings.  Remuneration is by honoraria of approximately $3,000 per year.

If interested please send your CV and covering letter to



Please confirm closing dates at original source link and ensure you take note of appropriate time zones for position closing times.  Please note, takes no responsibility for closing dates or removal of job positions advertised.

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