This job posting expired and applications are no longer accepted.

Animal Ethics Committee – Category C Member

at Flinders University (view profile)
Published September 6, 2021
Expires September 21, 2021
Location Bedford Park, SA, Australia
Category Other  
Job Type Part-time  
Salary Volunteer Position
Contact Name Camilla Dorian


The Flinders University Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) is currently recruiting for an additional Category C member.


A Category C member, as deemed by the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (the Code), is:

  • a person with demonstrable commitment to, and established experience in, furthering the welfare of animals, who is not employed by or otherwise associated with the institution (Flinders University), and who is not currently involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Veterinarians with specific animal welfare interest and experience may meet the requirements of this category. While not representing an animal welfare organisation, the person should, where possible, be selected on the basis of active membership of, and endorsement by, such an organisation.


The AWC is responsible for ethical review of all research and teaching activities involving animals at Flinders University. All members need to familiarise themselves with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes and other guidelines as required, read and review animal ethics applications, attend regular committee meetings and contribute to discussions during the meetings. Training in animal ethics and Flinders University’s Ethics Online Portal will be provided. No prior experience in reviewing animal ethics applications is required but basic computer skills are desirable.


The appointment would commence in October 2021 and Committee members will be appointed for two years.  This is a volunteer, unpaid position that would suit someone that works part time or has flexible working arrangements.  Morning tea, lunch and parking will be provided on meeting days. In 2022, there will be six meetings per year, held on a Tuesday from 9:15am to approximately 1pm.