2019 Australian Biosecurity Symposium


Animal Health Australia, the Invasive Species Council and the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions are excited to announce the inaugural 2019 Australian Biosecurity Symposium to be held 12-13 June on the Gold Coast, QLD.

The Symposium theme is preventative biosecurity practices and will focus on research and innovation, outside-of-the-box thinking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas across the biosecurity collective – agriculture (animals and plants), pest animals, weeds, wildlife, aquatics and the environment.

Australia’s biosecurity system faces unprecedented pressure. To address this pressure, strong leadership and innovation is essential. Our Symposium provides the ideal platform to explore how to transform Australia’s biosecurity systems to better protect our economy, environment and way of life.

The Symposium will bring an unprecedented opportunity to influence the direction of Australia’s future biosecurity system, network, develop new concepts, share and test ideas, build new partnerships and engage in challenging discussions that stimulate debate and energy – we hope you will be a part of it!

Visit www.biosym.com.au/

For more information please click here.

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